What is a designer? Some of the most recognisable names on the footwear designer topic include Tinker Hatfield, Christian Louboutin, Ronnie Fieg, Giuseppe Zanotti. From looking at these individuals, a designer is somebody who is greatly knowledgeable on how the footwear industry works, from the standard forme to the audience that buys the product, making them pay attention to the slightest details when creating designs, patterns, and so on. With footwear being one of the most competitive industries, becoming a footwear designer is not a straight-line journey but it’s one that brings even the most determined to switch careers.
The rather clear criteria to become a designer might seem very daunting to the upcoming creatives as nowadays, there’s a high demand for designers with diverse sets of skills that include the ability to use digital software for design and render, being able to verbally communicate and present your ideas, being an active listener, having skills in thinking and reasoning, and generally the ability to use your initiative.
A 2016 GQ interview with one of the most iconic sneaker designers, Tinker Hatfield, showed us exactly what it’s like to have the role. He mentioned that the design work does not always happen in the same room, but it rather involves interacting with the design team through sketches and sending drawings around. For a collaboration project, he would personally sit down and talk with the other party to get the work started (Jake Woolf 2016).
Nowadays, young creatives are usually directed towards university-level education to get a degree and work up from an internship but, as seen from some of the biggest names, there have been some unique ways of entering the industry such as Tinker Hatfield designing sneakers for Nike four years after graduating from the University of Oregon School of Architecture.
To make it big in the industry, mentors recommend upcoming designers to spend time in factories to gain better knowledge on how the manufacture team works to turn a drawing into a wearable product. Many of these young creatives will want to start their own company at some point, however, fashion designer Paul Andrew and many other names have said that one of the worst mistakes an upcoming designer could make is to start their own company straight after graduating. The best thing to do is take on an internship where important and valuable knowledge can be earned (Redazione 2018).
Thank you very much for reading the blog and please feel free to leave any comments and feedback for me to read!
Jake Woolf 2016, Meet the Mastermind Who Designed Your Favorite Nikes, GQ, Viewed 02 May 2021, <https://www.gq.com/story/tinker-hatfield-interview-steph-curry-nike>
Redazione 2018, How to become a shoe designer, Vogue, Viewed 02 May 2021, < https://www.vogue.it/en/vogue-talents/news/2018/04/27/shoes-how-to-become-shoe-designer-fashion-career-school/?refresh_ce=>
Image Referencing
[1] FOOTSHOP. (2019). N/A. [image]. Available from: https://www.footshop.eu/blog/do-you-know-who-tinker-hatfield-is/ [Access date: 02/05/2021]
[2] UOregon. (N/A). Eugene. [image]. Available from: https://archenvironment.uoregon.edu/sites/archenvironment1.uoregon.edu/files/styles/landscape/public/lawrence-hall-entry_lr-1000x666.jpg?itok=dRHniQz2 [Access date: 02/05/2021]
[3] Sneaker News. (2017). New Balance Celebrates 35th Anniversary Of Flimby Factory. [image]. Available from: https://sneakernews.com/2017/07/24/new-balance-flimby-35th-anniversary-pack-1500-770-991-epic-tr/ [Access date: 02/05/2021]